Saturday, July 26, 2014

Overcoming that fear every writer has, the writer's block.

I have been in a serious writing slump the past few years. I have plenty of ideas, but when I sit a the computer nothing comes onto my screen. I can sit there for hours, and still be staring at that blank document and the cursor blinking back at me. Recently, I've managed to overcome that writer's block and it's been amazing. I've managed to get five solid chapters written in a novel that I am working on, and it feels good to be writing again on my own projects. I have relied on writing with other people for so long that it's nice to have writing gratification on my own.

Below are some tips on how I've managed to break through the block and helped me. Writing block tips are always going to be different from each writer, but these helped me. 

Get advice from other writers. 
I had countless conversations with my brother about my writer's block. He is also a writer so we often have conversations with what we are working on at the current moment. I always told him I have nothing right now because I can't get over that block. He told me time and time again to sit down at the computer for one hour and just type. That's exactly what I did. For the first week I decided to break my block was I sat down at the computer and wrote for an hour. Sometimes I would get only 500 words in, but it was something. By the end of the week I was getting around 1,000 in one hour. Things were starting to flow. He also suggested to turn off all distractions. Disable the internet, turn off your phone, turn off your tv and anything else that might distract you from getting your hour in. Ask other writers for advice. Ask them what their writing process is, and how they break their writing blocks. Give their advice a try. It may not work for you, but you tried it. You might find your own way. 

Just write. 
When I started working on the novel I'm working on I had no outline or any idea of what was going to happen. I just let my fingers do the typing when I'm at the computer. It makes it exciting because it's like you are reading along with the readers. Some may be apposed to this idea, but it gets you writing. It gives you that fun spark that writing is supposed to give you. I am using this approach on the novel I am writing and I am enjoying every second. It makes me want to sit down at my computer and write it out to see what happens. 

I hate exercise. However, I've noticed that when I exercise I am more motivated to write. I want to sit down and do something that I love. This works especially if you're under stress. My job currently is a high stress level and it makes it hard for me to want to sit down at my computer and write most of the time. When I exercise, it takes out that frustration of work and my head is clear. It gives me that motivation I need to sit down and start writing. You don't have to do a full hour of exercise to feel it. You can do a twenty minute walk or fifteen. Whatever is comfortable for you. 

Talk to other writers
I've noticed that since I've been meeting with other writers and talking about their projects and my own this has helped my motivation to sit down and write. They give you advice on how to improve your writing and how they overcome their own writing struggles. It's nice to have people who understand your want to write and you understand theirs. 

These are only a few ideas of how I overcame writers block but it's enough for me to keep going with my current project. Hopefully it helps someone else who is also stuck, but also keep in mind that everyone is going to be different.